About Us
We are a German, medium-sized company based in Norderstedt, on the northern edge of Hamburg.
Our business areas are the development of new products and concepts, registration, production, marketing, consulting and distribution of disinfectants, cleaning agents and specialty products for livestock farming, the food industry and plant production.
All MENNO products are produced in Germany in accordance with the latest standards and DIN EN ISO; environmental management system - 14001, quality management system - 13485, quality management system - 9001 etc.
Since our foundation in 1982, over 40 years ago, we have build an extensive expert knowledge and therefore know how we can support you. We offer you our products with our know-how, excellent customer service and friendly support.
With a total of 15 experienced consultants we provide personal support in the field and from our head office throughout Germany, Austria and via a sales partner in Switzerland.
In addition to the German-speaking market, we have various approvals and sales activities with a focus on the whole of Europe and internationally in over 40 countries.
Current issues on which we focus our attention:
Long-term applicability and marketability for in-house auditing
Responsibilities as an employer regarding occupational safety and environmental liability
Duty of care to prevent epidemics and combat pathogens
Producer liability under international/national law
Concept solutions with approved products and tested techniques
Our customers' interests are always our top priority, which is why we are happy to help them with these and other questions.