DVG-listed disinfectant concentrate VENNO® VET 1 is effective against non-enveloped and enveloped viruses, yeasts and bacteria within a wide temperature range, at 20°C, 10°C, 4°C.

Stable disinfection in the temperature range up to 4°C
Stable hygiene promotes animal health and minimizes the risk of disease in the herd. Clean stables result in more efficient feed conversion, increase animal performance and create better working conditions for staff.
Good barn hygiene is crucial for the welfare of the animals, sustainability and the long-term economic success of the farm. In intensive livestock farming, the increasing requirements for disease prevention and continuous disinfection can only be met with a considered and responsible selection of disinfectants.
This need extends to breeding, multiplication and fattening farms, especially in the pig, cattle and poultry sectors. The disinfectant VENNO® VET 1 is effective against enveloped and non-enveloped viruses, fungi and bacteria, including TBC.
It has been tested in accordance with the guidelines of the German Veterinary Association (DVG) and is listed in the disinfectant list for animal husbandry.
VENNO® VET 1 can be used at any time of year as it is effective in a temperature range of 20°C, 10°C, 4°C.
Heating up a barn is cost-intensive with rising energy prices. The working solution, for which the water is often taken from wells or water pipes at 6 to 12 °C, cools the heated barn area down again.
Das nach der Gefahrstoffverordnung geforderte Substitutionsgebot wird mit VENNO® VET 1 erfüllt. Unter Abwägung von Wirksamkeit und Gefährdungspotential für den Anwender, werden gleichermaßen auch die Materialbeständigkeit und das Umwelthaftungsgesetz optimal berücksichtigt.
Advantages of VENNO® VET 1
- DVG listed
- Long product stability with a 5-year shelf life
- Effective over a wide temperature range of 20°C, 10°C, 4°C
- A powerful corrosion inhibitor ensures material compatibility and safety
- Also suitable for disinfecting vehicles
- Stable disinfectant for surface disinfection
- Disinfection of drinking water systems
- Disinfection in hygiene sluices (e.g. disinfection mats/baths)
- Disinfectants for the food and animal feed sector
- Vehicle disinfection (vehicles of suppliers and visitors, forecourts, loading areas, wheels)
Product brochure
Prospekt VENNO VET 1
Brochure VENNO VET 1
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Use disinfectant with caution. Always read the label and product information before use.